Webflow Card Slider: Enable on Mobile, Disable on Desktop (No Code Required)

Learn to optimize Webflow's Card Slider effortlessly. Enable on mobile, disable on desktop with a seamless, code-free approach.

Webflow Card Slider: Enable on Mobile, Disable on Desktop (No Code Required)

You can find the template here.

Integrate the Webflow native slider component into your preferred location on the webpage.

Adding the Slider

Applying CSS Styles to the Slider Mask

Webflow's slider mask layout is unalterable by default. To achieve our objective, introduce a div outside the slider, mirroring the CSS styles of the slider mask.

Adding a Matching Div

Modify the div's layout to impact the slider mask's layout.

Layout Adjustment

By this stage, the desktop slider mask layout is already adjusted. Customize the CSS styles for the slides within the slider, setting the card width to 25% (assuming four slides, divide 100% by 4; adjust as needed).

Customizing Slide CSS Styles

Post-adjustment, this is the slider's appearance. Desktop doesn't require slider arrows or navigation, so hide them with "display: none."

Hiding Arrows and Slide Navigation

The updated look is displayed in the image below.

Desktop View Completed!

Now, let's optimize the slider for mobile to restore Webflow slider functionality.

Mobile Slider Adjustment

Use a div with matching styles to reset the slider mask layout to static. Adjust slide width to 100%.

Altering CSS Styles

Enable left and right arrows and slide navigation as necessary.

Displaying Arrows and Slide Navigation

Eliminate the div on the page with matching styles to the slider mask.

Removing the Div

Feel free to exercise creativity and fine-tune CSS styles as required within these foundational steps, and you're all set!

Fine-Tuning the Appearance